Crafting Exceptional Digital Experiences

Hi! I’m Milen, a passionate UX designer specializing in Digital Marketing. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of user-centric principles, I create intuitive designs that leave a lasting impression.

About Me

Passionate UX Designer and Digital Marketing Enthusiast

Throughout my work and studies, I have developed a deep passion for UX design. I am fascinated by the way users interact with digital products and the impact that a well-designed interface can have on their overall experience. My goal is to create user-centric designs that are both visually appealing and functional, aiming to enhance user satisfaction and achieve business objectives.

Google UX Design Course

My educational journey in UX design took a significant step forward with the completion of the Google UX Design Course. This comprehensive course provided me with a solid foundation in UX design principles, methodologies, and best practices. It covered various aspects of the design process, including user research, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing.

Digital Marketing Background

In addition to my UX design studies, I also have a background in digital marketing. This knowledge complements my UX design skills, as it allows me to understand the broader marketing context in which digital products exist. I recognize the importance of aligning UX design with marketing strategies to create cohesive and impactful user experiences.

My Work

“Movee” App Design

Movee is a mobile app that allowes booking movie tickets directly through its user-friendly interface.

Web Design Projects

Take a moment to look at my portfolio and explore some of the web design projects I participated in.

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